ministry for your family
One great thing about being a part of the family of God is the incredible diversity and vast expressions of ministry to families. Here at Transformation, we've discovered that there are amazing entities and other churches that have perfected ministry in particular areas of family ministry. As we're developing our family ministries, we've decided to partner with our brothers and sisters in Christ and allow their speciality and expertise to be a resource and service to you in the interim! Below you will see links to some amazing resources for your entire family! (Let us know if there are other areas of ministry you need and we'll get busy finding a vetted resource for you!)
Kid's Ministry
LifeKids is the children’s ministry of Life.Church for kids birth-6th grade. They create fun, age-appropriate videos, and family resources to partner with parents to lead children to become fully devoted followers of Christ.
Teen Ministry
Switch is a place where students get to have fun with friends while focusing on growing their relationship with God. Every Wednesday 6th-12th graders meet for a night of worship, small groups, fun activities, and student-centered teaching that addresses the issues students face every day.
XO Marriage exists to help couples have a healthy and strong marriage. We do this by hosting conferences, creating resources, and offering encouraging digital content. Our world-class speakers offer leading marriage advice to equip couples with the necessary tools for a successful marriage. We believe that every marriage can thrive.
The following link is to an amazing podcast called "Marriage in Transition". Subscribe to this channel for an amazing array of subject matters as it relates to marriage and relationship as a whole.
Women's Ministry
Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts is the Co-Pastor of The Potter's House at One LA x Denver. She's a writer, author and leader of the growing women's movement, "Woman Evolve." Woman Evolve is empowering women all across the globe as they erase limits and challenge the norms of what it means to be a modern woman of faith.
Marriage Ministry
Men's Ministry
Vince Miller is an author and speaker to men around the world on topics that include manhood, masculinity, fatherhood, mentorship, and leadership. He has authored 19 different books for men and is hosted on major video platforms like RightNow Media and Faithlife TV. He hosts a weekly podcast, writes weekly articles, and provides daily thoughts from God's Word all just for men. He is a 28-year ministry veteran and the founder of Resolute a Men's Ministry Platform that provides bible studies aimed at building better men found at